The program will include a number of Invited, Keynote and Plenary talks on recent topics, challenges and developments in the field, as well as contributed lectures and poster presentations. Three parallel sessions will allow a number of participants to present results in oral talks.
- Advances in polymer synthesis and characterization.
- Polymer structure, properties, theory, and simulation.
- Rheology, processing, additive manufacturing, and mechanical properties.
- Polymer recycling, biobased and biodegradable polymers and, circular economy.
- Polymers for energy applications, sensing, optoelectronics, and smart applications.
- Polymers for biomedical applications and nanomedicine, hydrogels, electrospinning.
- Block copolymers, multiphasic polymers, blends, nanocomposites, and nanohybrids.
- IONBIKE: Iongels: from new chemistry towards emerging aplications.
- BIODEST: Synthesis, Characterization, Structure and Properties of Novel Biodegradable Polyesters.
- NIPU-EJD: Synthesis, Characterization, Structure and Properties of Novel Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes.
Deadline for contributions: 31 of January of 2022.
Deadline for registration: February 28, 2022.
For more information visit the event website.