Contact Person:
Ilias Gkotsis
Project Manager: Responsible for the EXELISIS’s contribution to NanoPAT
Nikos Tsiantis
Project Manager: Providing support in all activities and especially in exploitation related aspects
Dimitris Zoikis Karathanasis
Supporting EXELISIS’ contribution to the patent search.
Mainly contributing to WP8 and WP7 and supporting WP9.
EXELISIS will lead T7.1 that concerns the transversal knowledge transfer and its market-oriented implementation. EXEL will lead T8.1 regarding innovation and open-innovation management of the technologies that will be developed and validated by NanoPAT aiming to support their optimal market uptake. Finally, EXEL will lead T8.4 that concerns the IPR management and patent search. IPR handling and management requires careful treatment, thus a strategy will be defined and executed that will be based on knowledge management and IP protection. The Licensed “PatSnap” Patent Search platform will be used to elucidate the freedom to operate (FTO), enabling thus the partners to exploit the business lines without infringing any IP as well as giving competitive value to the enabled characterization techniques. The high potential of NanoPAT technologies and results, beyond the scientific interest will also be used for patent application.
The tasks that are matched to EXEL for the NanoPAT project are aligned with the expertise and core business orientation of the company. The innovation management activities implemented within NanoPAT, perfect matches with EXEL’s business plan. The operation of the innovation management will boost the products, characterization processes and services developed within NanoPAT one step closer to adoption of these technologies from the industry.