Contact Person:
Roland Hass
CEO of PDW Analytics, WP 2 leader
Lena Bressel
Senior Scientist
Anika Krause
Internal coordination and management
WP2 leader. Mainly supporting WP1, WP5-WP9.
PDWA is involved in WP1, meeting with the RTO’s and industry partners to get knowledge about the specifically needed modifications and requirements of the case studies investigated with PDWS.
Furthermore, PDWA is leading WP2, Photon Wave Density Spectroscopy (PDW) Development, giving advice and support by applying PDWS to the case studies, as well as adjust the PDWS Probes to the extreme conditions of the case studies. PDWS will be established at the RTO’s together with UP.
PDWA is involved in WP6 and will support the application of the PDWS in the pilot plant and adopt PDWS to the process conditions.
With respect to Photon Density Wave spectrometers and their further development, PDWA is the only commercial source worldwide. PDWA is proud of its extremely well and diversely trained employees, having backgrounds in the management of small to very large scale (> 1 Mio. EUR) commercial and public funded projects with national and international partners from academia and industry alike.